Amazon and Books

March 25, 2004 by
Filed under: Admin 

Over on the right-hand side of the page, you will now see a list of books and an link.

Typepad allows it’s users to automatically link to when posting a list of books. They also allow us to use an Associates program ID to get credit when one of you clicks on the link and buys something.

As of yesterday, I am a participant in the Associates Program. I get a little commission when you click one of the links on this page and buy something from them (or in a few other circumstances).
A study was conducted in nearly 990 men aged 55 to 75, with no history viagra levitra viagra of erectile dysfunction. You can avail this benefit with a low priced option. order levitra online Numerous drugs also focused on treating erectile dysfunction are still within the experimental phase and will be available on these internet sites. tadalafil soft Should I quit the bad habit? And above all what can I gain by quitting smoking? The answer to the question of exactly what is schizophrenia? It refers to a mental illness which buy levitra online is characterized by the abnormalities of a person in perceiving and expressing reality.
So, if you were planning to buy a book (or anything else) from and you want to help me pay for this site, please consider coming here first and then clicking the link on the right. No pressure, and I probably won’t mention the program again. Thank you if you choose to do so.

NOTE:  This was on an older incarnation of this blog and no longer exists.


2 Comments on Amazon and Books

  1. Sarah on Thu, 25th Mar 2004 6:31 pm
  2. I see that you and I have similar tastes in books. Yes, the next time I’m buying from Amazon I’ll happily click through from here. SYLB–Support Your Local Blogger. Or something.

  3. Sarah on Thu, 25th Mar 2004 6:34 pm
  4. BTW, have you read David Gerrold the Star Wolf series? Space Opera, but good just-before-you-fall-asleep stuff.

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