One MegaWattHour

July 11, 2004 by
Filed under: Solar Energy 

Today, our solar electric system finished generating it’s first MegaWattHour (MWh). That happened in about a month, given that we turned the panels on for real on June 14 and they had run in test for one week.

Of course, that’s ideal performance. We haven’t had many rainy or cloudy days in the last month and these are the longest days of the year. This prescription has symptoms as well. free generic cialis Shilajit is one of the famous herbs cialis viagra canada by which this problem can be controlled. There is also a very levitra generic vardenafil small chance that Propecia may increase the risk of male breast cancer. By the solid medical research, it is only a matter of time that improvements are made regarding research and the chiropractic world. female cialis online I’m sure this will be balanced by days where the panels are snow-covered in the winter. However, it’s looking good!


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