Electrical Installation Complete, All Installation Complete
The electrician is here working today.
UPDATE: It’s all done.
Inside the Basement
This is the wall in the basement before anything.
This is the blank wood before installation of components.
The inverters (top) and DC disconnect switches (bottom) are installed.
Here are the inverters with their covers on, and the switches partially wired.
Here’s the completed installation in the basement. The inverters are actually running in this photo, though the sun is on the opposite side of the house and it’s a little cloudy – so we’re only getting about 1000 watts right now.
This is the label from the side of one of the inverters.
Here’s the open electrical panel, showing the new breakers at the bottom on both sides.
Here’s the completed panel, including warning label.
Outside at the Meter
This is the initial installation of the wires. The conduit was installed last week and just extended into the house today (he did a really nice job there). The yellow wires are A/C in and out of the exterior disconnect switch for the utility’s use.
Here are the disconnect switches partially installed.
Here is the completed product – utility disconnect switches – outside (except for required labelling).
And here are the required labels on the disconnect switches.
All work is complete! YAY! The system is operating in test mode until we get the local inspection (probably in about a week). Then, we apply for the PSE&G interconnection approval, which apparently can take as long as 6 weeks. The system will be turned off between the inspection and PSE&G approval.
The meter REALLY DOES turn backwards. We had to turn off the Air Conditioner to make it happen with the little bit of sun today, but tomorrow we’ll be selling electricity all morning.
Before Pictures
Here are a few before pictures of the house and electrical equipment:
This is the front of the house. The panels will be going on the main roof, mostly covering it. (My wife would like to point out that in warmer weather the landscaping looks much better!)
This is the existing meter box and other stuff in the area on the outside of the house. We’ll be adding a disconnect switch and probably changing out the meter to one that can handle net metering.
This is the existing electrical panel. I expect the new breakers to go in this panel at the bottom of one column or the other (or both). We’ll also be getting a new sub-panel for the output from the inverters, plus disconnect switches. The inverters will probably mount on the wall to the right of this (which has plenty of room).