PSE&G Billing – some sad news

April 21, 2005 by
Filed under: Solar Energy 

I just got off the phone with the PSE&G Customer Service folks, since I hadn’t gotten my corrected bill for last month.

If you’ve noticed that the corrected bills for the Southern NJ area have been slow or missing, it’s probably because the person handling the corrected billing, Bob Honey, died suddenly a few months ago.  They have a new person working on it.  That’s too bad – he did a really good job with it when the billing system remembered to forward the uncorrected bill to him (which wasn’t often for me).
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Supposedly, they were going to have the net metering billing automated by the 2nd quarter of this year.  I asked the CSR to add a question about that to my query about last month’s bill.  I’ll let you know if I hear anything.


One Comment on PSE&G Billing – some sad news

  1. Brian on Thu, 5th Jun 2008 1:37 pm
  2. PSEG will allow you to take a digital picture of your meters (Gas/Elec)and email them as proof of the current usage. I have the Net Metering but it’s not digital. Apparently they don’t place them in residential systems in North Jersey anymore (May 2008).

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