Scheduling woes

April 12, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Solar Energy 

My installer called the township today, and got a testy response from the person who answered: “We’ll call you when the permit is ready.” My installer suggests that we not bother them again, or risk our application being placed on the bottom of the pile.

This creates a bit of a scheduling mess for me. I have 4 vacation days to take by 4/30, or I lose them. I can’t really be out of the office the week of 4/26 – it’s month-end and fiscal year-end. I have a training class May 10-14.

So, we’re down to:
Week of 4/19 (next week)
Week of 5/3
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Also, I have to be careful not to schedule too much vacation time right next to the training week.

It looks like I’ll have to take next week off regardless (to use the days), and hope that the permit is ready. If it isn’t, the installation will have to be on one of the other weeks, and we might have to wait 2 weeks to start if the timing is wrong.

Thanks for your patience. This site will get interesting as soon as the installation starts – I PROMISE!