Montreat Youth Conference 2009 – week 5

June 9, 2009 by
Filed under: Religion, Travel, Youth 

Some very bright news (and only somewhat related to what I mentioned in the last post) is the fact that I’m going to get to go back to the Montreat Youth Conference this summer.

With the support of my youth director at church, I decided to apply to become a Small Group Leader this year.  I got the letter yesterday telling me that I was accepted.  This is a small step outside of my comfort zone.  I was considering it last year after the conference, but decided not to apply at the time.  Now I’m in.  I loved my time at the conference last year, and my small group was one of the best parts.  I want to give back.

Through some rather unusual situations, our church group going to the conference has found itself short of one male leader.  So I’ll also be going as a Back-Home Leader.  Because we have another male leader and 2 female leaders, I will most likely be staying at Assembly Inn with the rest of the small group leaders, and doing some meals and evening Back-Home time with my church group.  If nothing else, it should get me more sleep.
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I’m really impressed with how much impact the conference has had on our youth group.  100% of the youth from last year’s trip are scheduled to go again this year, and we’re adding more youth (mostly youth who are just now old enough to go) to increase the group by 50%.  I could see the difference that last year’s trip had in each youth’s life in the way that they interacted with each other and the church in the year since.  Some changes were bigger than others, but all were changed.

I’m really excited about the trip, and already annoying my wife with disjointed thoughts about it.  I really feel like it may be a make or break experience for one of my options for the future.


2 Comments on Montreat Youth Conference 2009 – week 5

  1. cheesehead on Wed, 10th Jun 2009 11:12 am
  2. Hats off to you. I can’t imagine trying to wear both hats, SGL and Back-home. Sounds hectic and exhausting. But staying in Assembly Inn is sweet.

  3. Jeanette on Wed, 8th Jul 2009 9:26 am
  4. Just wanted to tell you that there have been a few brave souls before you that have worn both hats and survived 🙂 I have been both a back-home and sgl leader, but not at the same time, and have always stood in awe at those that could do both at once.

    It’s actually a really important role because you are able to provide (sometimes invaluable) feedback from your back-home group to the sgl group. It will be hectic; it will be exhausting; but oh so rewarding.

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