The Bigots are Coming

November 27, 2006 by
Filed under: Current Affairs, Religion 

US Army Specialist Eric Rivera was recently killed in the line of duty in Iraq.  His funeral is scheduled for this coming Friday, December 2 in Atlantic City, NJ.

The Westboro Baptist Church (mainly composed of the family of Rev. Fred Phelps) of Topeka, Kansas has announced their intention to protest at Rivera’s funeral to show that Rivera died because the United States supports fags.  (No, I didn’t make that up.)  Apparently, they believe that 9/11 happened to the US because of gays, and that our soldiers are fighting to support a gay america.

This group is the group responsible for many states writing laws restricting protests at funerals (or at least at military funerals).  NJ is one of those states, and NJ law prohibits any protest within 500 feet of a funeral or funeral procession for one hour before, during and one hour after a funeral.  Also included is a clause banning the obstruction of entry into a funeral or related building or procession.  The penalty is up to 6 months in jail.

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I hope that a number of my fellow citizens will show up and give them the treatment that they deserve.

UPDATE:  Within 24 hours of posting this, I have received 8 hits from in Topeka, Kansas.  Interesting.


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