Using Children as Bombs
Israel stopped another suicide bomber today – a 16-year-old Palestinian boy who reportedly had diminished intelligence: Yahoo Article
This is just disgusting. We’ve reached the point where the Palestinians are using CHILDREN (and apparently disabled children at that) to kill Israeli and Palestinians civilians.
If there’s any question of why the United States tends to support Israel in their conflict with Palestine, this should answer the question. Remember Megan Kanka? Amber Alerts? Americans love our children. There is very little that matches the fury of the populace against those who hurt or kill children. In Megan’s case, the people of Hamilton, NJ (where I live) bought her killer’s house and tore it down – putting a park in its place.
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There is no way the Palestinians are going to improve public opinion by using children to do their dirty work, while their leaders stay safe in their hiding places.
This is today’s submission for the Outside the Beltway Traffic Jam.
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