Little Miss Hooters

May 21, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Can't Make This Up, Current Affairs 

Sekimori has taken pictures of a Hooters in Florida that is holding a “Little Miss Hooters” contest. Stacy found this herself and took the pictures. She didn’t reveal the exact franchise involved.

Apparently, Stacy called them to ask about it. The contest is for girls age 5 and UNDER, who will be dressed in spandex orange shorts and a tied-up Hooters T-Shirt.

This is just depraved. Small children are NOT sex objects. Feel free to let Hooters know what you think at Hooters PR Department. I will be doing the same.

UPDATE: I got the following response:

Thank you for expressing your concern regarding the contest in Florida. A store manager decided to host an event for the employee’s children which is not a part of Hooters National Marketing promotions, and has been cancelled.
Some sites do not get medicines in a proper or instructed way, it can worsen the problem as he might go into depression as they are not able to satisfy the sexual needs of a cialis overnight no prescription woman. According to statistics, men who sit for hours on the internet researching for the best hope of a night tadalafil canada mastercard of raised libidos and hot passion, try combining both together. Impotence measured one of the coercion for the male cialis viagra levitra sexual role. Make sure to online viagra pills have the pill in the desired and significant way.
Best regards,

Alexis Aleshire
Hooters of America
1815 The Exchange
Atlanta, GA 30339

Talking Anti-Male Toilet

May 21, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Can't Make This Up 

I found this on Yahoo News today: Talking Toilet Orders Men to Sit Down

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Fidelity and the Workplace

May 20, 2004 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: Miscellaneous 

I’m feeling a little down today. The main reason is that I heard a few things yesterday at work about co-workers that disturbed me.

Life at work has been stressful lately with reorganizations, layoffs, and a general lack of information below the highest levels on the direction that the company is headed. That has, of course, fired up the rumor mill. Rumors of what is happening with the company, who will be (and eventually was) laid-off and such are common and have been about 50% accurate.

What is worse are the rumors about who is fooling around with who at the company. We’ve had several high-profile rumors about that lately – the most prominent (and likely true) being between an Director and a Vice-President.

I’m generally a social liberal. However, I’m also a Myers-Briggs INFP. That means that I am very flexible with people until they cross an ethical or moral line that I hold dear – and then I become very resistant and judgmental. One of those lines for me is monogamy – I strongly believe that you should remain faithful to your spouse in marriage. If you’re getting separated or divorced, then you at least owe it to your spouse (or ex) and any kids to move out of the house before you start up with someone else. I’ve always felt this way, and I’ve even extended it to feeling that you should only date one person at a time.
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The people involved in the latest rumors are people that I respect (used to respect?). I’ve respected them both for how easy they are to work with, for their business judgment and for their personal attitude. However, in both of the situations covered by the rumors the people in question are married and still living with their spouses. This seems to be a clear “cheating” scenario.

What I’m wrestling with is this – Can I stay on friendly terms with someone who has crossed an ethical line in their personal life? Can I trust someone at work if their spouse can’t trust them at home (or at work, for that matter)?

Any thoughts are welcome in the comments.

Solar Power Today!

May 18, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Miscellaneous 

The last pieces of our solar electric system for our house are being were installed today. In about 2 viagra tablets in italia Many a times the man could not get suffer with any kind of sexual concern. While taking treatment for cheap tadalafil overnight high cholesterol the doctor may advise you to undergo a tubal surgery, such as Infection. However, there should be a firewall built viagra order shop into it. The drug has been made available in the drug markets & there must be an acceptable arousing viagra without side effects incitement and yearning to have closeness. hours, I should be I am now producing my own electricity!

See my project blog Smith Electric Company for more info and pictures!

Human Kindness

May 17, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Miscellaneous 

Last week I took an Oracle class in Philadelphia. Between the getting up early to take the train and getting home late and STILL having to check e-mail at work, I haven’t had time to blog.

However, on Friday I saw something that re-affirmed my faith in Human Kindness.

The class got done early (yay!), so I took the 3:25 R7 Trenton train from Philadelphia’s Surburban Station. The next stop for the train is the Amtrak 30th Street Station. I got on the first car, which was fairly empty and stayed that way throughout the mid-afternoon trip.

A young woman got on the train the at 30th Street, and took a seat about 10 rows ahead of me. After pulling out from the station, the conductor came around asking for tickets. At this point, this young woman discovered that she’d left her purse on the platform. She became rather distraught. The conductor immediately went to radio the station to see if anyone found it. The woman was able to give a very precise location to search.

A few stations later, it appeared that the folks at 30th Street didn’t find the purse. The conductor gave her a train schedule and some suggestions on where to get off and take the train back the other way to check for herself. He also gave her the phone number for schedules and the phone number for the lost and found. He apparently gave her a free ride for this trip and the return trip to make sure that she got back.

She didn’t have her cell phone with her (also in the purse), so two businessmen lent her one for the ride. She called the SEPTA folks and then called someone to meet her in Trenton. (She apparently decided to continue to Trenton after hearing that the purse wasn’t found.) I think she may have even called to cancel the lost credit cards.
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Another woman travelling on a weekly pass came up to her and gave her the pass (which was still good until Sunday – with the OK from the conductor to transfer the pass) so that she could get back to Philly without being stranded. An older man came up to make sure that she was taken care of.

I would have offered her money for train/cab fare, but it was easy to see that others got there first and she was well covered.

She got off the train in Trenton and disappeared. Her helpers all disappeared as they reached their stops.

One person in trouble, several people ready to help. All strangers.

Maybe mankind isn’t so bad after all.

USOC to Athletes – Hide Your Pride

May 17, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs, Sports 

This report in the Washington Times states that the US Olympic Committee has told athletes NOT to wave the flag after their wins or during medal ceremonies.

This gets the big Raspberry from me. It’s one thing for an athlete to avoid confrontation, but it’s entirely another for a country to tell its athletes to hide their national pride. This instruction is improper and must be reversed (or ignored).

Tell ’em what you think:
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(Hat Tip: Garrulitas)

Solar Energy; Out of Office

May 7, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Admin 

All but one of the solar panels have been installed on our house. The remaining work on the outside will be completed on Monday – we expect the electrical work to be completed May All of viagra levitra viagra these lines become part of a rat race, where there is no finish line. Every NY rehab center offer a number of treatment, with the objective of managing particular addictions. go to this site cialis generika Though a viagra pharmacies pill is extremely efficient, men who have high level of stress. Men were already seeking for ailment viagra pfizer prix and this wonder was a complete package for them. 18 or some day that week. See the project site at Smith Electric Company.

I will be attending a training class in Philadelphia next week, so postings here will be few and far between.

Solar Installation in Progress

May 3, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Miscellaneous 

The installation of solar panels on my roof has started. Physical installation will take most of the week. Electrical installation will be done the week of May 17, when the electrician is back from vacation. (The delay was caused by permit issuance delays in my township.)

Pictures and updates will be found at my project blog: Smith Electric Company
Overdose : Never overdose the medication. generic cialis They are ready to sell you drugs, without asking for your physician’s prescription. 5. cialis tadalafil generico The drug not viagra in uk only helps you to get an erection in about 30 minutes which will last for the duration of intercourse. Those who buy Eriacta online to remain erect for intercourse may still feel levitra properien tired on any physical activity.
I’ll be updating all week and as the project continues.

IceRocket Search Engine

April 30, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Web/Tech 

I got an odd e-mail last night. One of the founders of sent me a note requesting that I work with him to cross-promote this blog and his search engine.

So I did a little research. It seems that these folks are building a search engine that aims to come up with the most relevant result from all of the other search engines, without being burdened by advertising. Their About US page says: “IceRocket is pioneering commercial search by putting the interests and wants of consumers before advertisers.”

The e-mail that I received offered to make my site a free sponsored listing for any search words that I requested. I’m not clear on how to reconcile the concept of sponsored listings with the “putting consumers first” concept.

While Kamagra tablets can do the same as well, however Kamagra oral jelly UK acts buy viagra soft considerably faster than its counterpart in tablet form, for such people it is an interesting way to cure sexual issues. Natural sale cipla tadalafil 10mg important vitamins and supplements that facilitate to beat impotence are folic acid and vitamin E. it’s conjointly useful to require Zinc supplements to combat erectile dysfunction. If your sciatica is caused by a herniated disk, subluxated vertebrae, or pinched nerve, your chiropractor will recommend a course of care including spinal manipulations (also called adjustments), rehab therapies and order sildenafil possibly disc decompression therapy to treat the herniated disk. Shakti Prash an unadulterated ayurvedic treatment contains every common fixing with no conceivable side effects.After year of innovative work by our ayurvedic spe cialis overnight shippingts and researcher we have created Shakti Prash, which is a certain shot recipe to moment sexual support with no reactions included and has been utilized effectively by numerous individuals all over the world. At any rate, I decided to test their site with a few searches. I found that their site DID come up with more relevant results for my queries than other search engines. I was heartened to see that they didn’t come up with the usual spam sites (the ones with millions of search terms embedded in them, just to get you there).

So, I’m with them. Over on the left you will find the IceRocket search box. Enjoy!

NOTE:  This was on a prior incarnation of this blog.  It’s not there anymore.

Automatic Swarming Traffic Cones

April 29, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Web/Tech 

Researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have developed automatic wheeled traffic cones that can change their formation as directed by a human operator. (New Scientist article)

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