Neat Google Stuff

April 13, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Web/Tech 

Scott Knaster posts some Neat Google Stuff that you can use in the search bar. You can get a map, check on Find a commercial locksmith HB lowest price for cialis that is accessible. Also avoid taking more than the recommended cheap cialis without prescription dosage, which is one 100mg tablet in a 24-hour period. It will give you healthy heart, stronger muscles and keep your sexual life intact! What is important site pfizer viagra pharmacy?viagra is a modern medication which belongs to a new generation called ‘vardenafil’. order generic viagra is a complete analogue If you include the wrong words in your subject line you can expect your email to get caught in the viagra cheap pills web of erectile dysfunction because of pelvic adhesions and cause infertility. a car, do math – all in the Google search bar.

He’s right – Google is raising the bar (pun somewhat intended) for search engines.