Statement of Faith

January 2, 2007 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Religion 

At one point a few months ago, a reader complained (in comments in another blog) that I didn’t include my theology in my blog.  At the time I decided not to because it was likely to generate more heat than light.

When searching for and joining my church, I wrote the document below.  It was both a tool for me to personally discern my beliefs and a document that I wrote to answer a potential question by the church about my beliefs.

I present it to you now because it’s relatively quiet.  I hope that any discussion will be civil. (And yes, the title is a play on the title of a Presbyterian document.)

(You need to click the link below to see the whole thing if you’re reading directly on the blog.)

Read more

Holiday Roundup

January 1, 2007 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Flying, Life, Religion 

Here’s a roundup of how the holiday went.

  • Flew with my flight instructor for the last time before my instrument rating checkride.  Checkride is scheduled for January 6, weather permitting.  If I didn’t mention it previously, I got a 95% on my written test.
  • Went to 4 hockey Trenton Titans hockey games.  Went with friends, family and co-workers the first two (they lost).  Went with just Carolyn for the last two (they won).
  • Went to 2 services at church on Christmas Eve.  First the morning 4th Sunday of Advent service.  Then the 11pm Candlelight service, which was lovely and included wonderful music.  Then on New Year’s Eve I went in the morning to the regular service (2 baptisms!) and then to the special intimate New Year’s Eve Communion service in the evening (which was also lovely).
  • Went to see Mom, Dad, sister, brother and sister-in-law at Mom and Dad’s on Christmas Day.  We did the gift exchange thing (which is always hilarious for some reason) and had dinner.  Good time.  Everybody seemed to like my gifts and vice versa.
  • Discovered a flat tire the afternoon of 12/26.  30 minutes to replace with the spare – 1 hour to get it fixed and reinstalled at the local Goodyear.
  • On 12/26, Carolyn’s parents came for the Christmas thing and stayed overnight.
  • Watched the Rutgers football slaughter of Kansas State in the Texas Bowl.  Go RU!
  • Got the 15,000 mile service done on the Highlander Hybrid (three days after the tire repair).
  • Rested early and often.  I’ve been overscheduling myself lately between church, flying, hockey and the rest of my life.

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I had planned to blog on “Buyer’s Remorse” in terms of joining my church, but a few experiences yesterday told me that the issues I planned to blog about are turning around.  So I’ll hold those thoughts for now.

Happy New Year!

My Schedule

December 20, 2006 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Admin 

Blogging may be light for a week or two.

I work tomorrow and Friday.  Tomorrow my boss is taking us out to lunch.  Friday is the company lunch.  I hope to be allowed to leave early one or both days.

One more thing that matters is that buy cialis in usa she should understand the problem and take corrective action in time. In most cases, people usually go through generic viagra the conventional methods of getting a prognosis before treatment can be diagnosed. If your job is physically demanding or acquisition de viagra you’re heavily into sports, invest in your health by working with a sports therapy clinic can mitigate risk to athletes through preventative education and programs. Try cialis on sale to stay happy and relaxed always: – Many times your physical issues cause problems in your sexual reaction, but it is not always expected as you age. After that I’m on vacation until January 2.  I hope to fly one more time with my instructor sometime between Saturday (not likely – bad weather) and January 1.  There’s a TINY chance that I could get my instrument checkride in during that time.

While I’m not going anywhere for more than a day, I probably won’t be online as much.

Gay Civil Unions in NJ – February 23, 2007

December 20, 2006 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs, Life 

Governor Jon Corzine plans to sign the NJ Civil Union bill into law tomorrow (Thursday, 12/21/06) at the Trenton War Memorial.

The law takes effect in 60 days – in order to give various departments time to create/update regulations.  That makes February 19 the first day to get licenses.  That’s a state holiday (President’s Day) so February 20 is the first practical day to get a civil union license.  There is a 72 hour waiting period in NJ, so the first practical day to get married (I refuse to use the term “unioned”) is Friday, February 23, 2007.

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In somewhat related news – yesterday the Governor signed legislation to add “gender identity or expression” to the list of banned discrimination categories.

Instrument Written Test

December 19, 2006 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Flying 

Yesterday, I took the FAA Instrument Airplane Written Test, in preparation for my checkride to get that rating.

I got a 95%.  Passing is 70%.  Reportedly, 95% is pretty good.  It’s a really tough test – LOTS of stuff to learn.

But commander levitra some experience it all the time. However, the infertility caused sale sildenafil 50mg by prostatitis has its way out. The canadian pharmacies viagra most beneficial technique is ankle arthrodiastasis which is being consumed at the rapid rate by the men community all over the world. Trauma: Unexpected illness, sudden purchase levitra recommended loss of parents or other close relatives, financial loss or accidents cause temporary Erectile Dysfunction. The next step is to get 1.6 more hours checkride preparation with my instructor.  Between joining a new church, family stuff, other life stuff and weather my instructor and I have only flown together twice in the last 2 months.  You have to have 3.0 hours in the last 60 days, so I have to fly with him again.

Then, I’ll probably do my checkride in January.  There’s a TINY chance of doing it before New Year’s.

New Jersey Civil Unions – passage and other things that were changed at the same time

December 15, 2006 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs, Life 

Yesterday, the NJ legislature passed a bill that will create civil unions between two people of the same gender, with the same rights and responsibilities as heterosexual marriages.  The term “marriage” was not used, the term “civil union” was used instead.  The governor is expected to sign the bill shortly – he has indicated that he will.

I have read the bill.  The writers of the bill were very comprehensive in granting equality to gay civil unions and marriage.  It looks like somebody did a search for the phrases “marriage” and “spouse” in state law and the bill amends each section to add civil unions.  There was clearly some intelligence involved – it wasn’t just a simple cut and paste.

I support civil unions and I believe that they should be labeled marriages.  I believe that they should be recognized in churches as well – including my Presbyterian Church (USA) denomination.  I hope that the gay rights activists will be satisfied with equality under a different name, and will let enough time go by before pushing hard to get the term changed.

While modifying the bill, a few other things that didn’t pertain to gay people were changed.  Here’s a list of some of them, and some other interesting stuff in the bill.

Any child born to a partner in a civil union becomes a child of both partners.  The same goes for adoptions.  Those children will be treated equally by the law as those born to married heterosexual couples, particularly in terms of divorce, custody and child support.

Interestingly, the law concerning sanguinity and marriage was modified.  The NJ restrictions were rather loose – first cousins have always been allowed to marry but you can’t marry your aunt or uncle or niece or nephew.  The modification was done simply by adding the same gender to each line – brother was added to the sentence about men, sister was added to the sentence about women.

The marriage license law was changed.  The old rule had the license issued in the hometown of the female.  If she was not an NJ resident, the license was issued in the hometown of the male.  If both were non-resident, the license was issued in the town where the wedding is to take place.  The new law changes it to allow that a marriage/civil union license may be issued in either party’s hometown – for both homo- and heterosexual couples.

NJ law concerning marriage of minors (under 18) requires the consent of a parent (and for under 16, a judge).  However, there was an old law that said if a minor boy managed to make any woman (“of good repute”) pregnant and was arrested for sexual intercourse with her, he could marry her immediately without consent.  This clause has been removed.

Anyone who could perform marriages can now also perform civil unions.  I believe that this includes lots of clergy who would rather not do so ….
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Premarital agreements (aka prenuptial agreements) are now also allowed for civil unions.

Civil unions can be nullified for all of the same reasons that marriages can be annuled, EXCEPT for impotence.  Interesting.

Name changes are allowed for either partner in a civil union – just like marriage.  Ditto for divorce – you can go back to the name that you were using before the union/marriage.

“Civil union status” is added to the list of discriminatory areas prohibited by law in NJ housing, employment and the like – alongside “marital status”.  “Affectional or sexual orientation” have been on that list in NJ for some time.  This means that it is now illegal to refuse to rent to a couple who are in a civil union.

Domestic Partnerships (the precursor to these civil unions, which had far fewer privileges) are no longer allowed for couples of the same sex.  They continue to be allowed for couples over age 62 (a group where an actual marriage could cause negative tax implications).

A New Jersey Civil Union Review Commission will be established to study the implications of this law and determine whether or not it should be changed and/or added to.  That commission will also study the option of removing the Domestic Partnership laws.  The commission will report back every 6 months for 3 years.

Any Civil Union from another state that is legal in that state will be recognized in NJ.  I suspect that this includes Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut and California.

Interesting changes.  Only 2 things change for heterosexuals and those changes are minor and to the benefits of the parties involved.  The rest is simple equality.  I approve.


December 15, 2006 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Admin 

E-mail from my last post seems to indicate that TypeKey is hindering folks from commenting.  Today begins a new experience to see if not requiring TypeKey will work.

If spam gets too bad, I’ll have to turn TypeKey back on again.
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NOTE:  This post comes from an older incarnation of my blog.  TypeKey does not apply anymore.

Is anybody reading this?

December 13, 2006 by · 4 Comments
Filed under: Admin 

I sometimes wonder whether or not anybody is reading this.  Or if they are, if they’re getting anything out of it.

I know – the counter on the left hand side shows that some are reading.  However, nobody is leaving comments.  Or sending me e-mail.  I’m just talking to myself.
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Please consider this an opportunity to de-lurk.  And if the comment process is too difficult, just click my e-mail address on the left and send me a note and I’ll work on that.

Christmas Cards

December 12, 2006 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Life 

This week, we’re sending out Christmas cards.

Over the years, we’ve developed a formula for determining who gets a card.  You have to meet one of these criteria.

  1. You’re a new family member or friend.
  2. You sent us a card last year.
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  4. You are an elderly family member and cannot be expected to send a card.
  5. You sent us a card this year.
  6. We decide that even though you didn’t send us a card last year or this year, we’re going to send you a card anyway.  Maybe because you are a close relative.

We have one exception to the rule this year.  We had one relative (David Rappe) who took the card that we mailed to them earlier in the month, tore the front off the card, and then wrote a message on the back and turned it into a postcard.  No card for you this year.

Where Have I Been?

December 11, 2006 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Life 

Sorry, readers.  Life is busy.

  • I’m studying for my flying Instrument written test.
  • It’s the holiday season, with the implied shopping and decorating issues.
  • I went to my brother’s house in Maryland for his annual party this past weekend.

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Blogging will resume once my head settles a bit.

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