Last Mother-in-Law Update

January 24, 2007 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Life 

Carolyn’s mother is back home now.  She’s talking about going back to work, so she must be feeling better.

Thanks to all for their prayers and thoughts.  She did appreciate them.
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This will be the last update for now.

Mother-in-Law Update – the Sequel

January 23, 2007 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Life 

They figured it out.  Slipped, herniated disc someplace low on her spine.  She’s had cortisone directly to the spine.

They may let her out of the hospital today.
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Thanks for all prayers.

Mother-in-Law Update

January 22, 2007 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Life 

No news.  She’s still in the hospital, still in pain and still no diagnosis.

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Prayer Request

January 20, 2007 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Life, Religion 

Carolyn and I got a call about 10am this morning.  Her father took her mother to the ER at 1am for acute pain in her left They either starve the cancer cells to death or stop the progression of cancer by preventing them from generic viagra line dividing any further. What is female sexual dysfunction? There order 50mg viagra are after all certain health conditions that are preventing blood flow into your penis. Referred as an excellent solution for ED (Erectile Dysfunction), Kamagra medicine is a type of solution that helps men find harder erection and a complete Our website buy cheap levitra satisfaction due to longer hours of lust filled erection moments. The disease has its own personal nature so levitra soft tabs that it is difficult to count the number of men in the UK experience this condition. side.  She’s on a morphine-like drip for the pain.  Tests have ruled a few things out, but they don’t have a diagnosis yet.

Prayers would be appreciated.

Tenafly High School Class of 1986

January 17, 2007 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Life 

OK, I admit it.  The title is search bait.

You see, I just got the 3rd notice for my 20th high school reunion which will be held in the Spring.  Most of me wants to skip it, but part of me is pulling me to consider it.

At this point, I don’t plan to go.  I went to the 10th reunion and found that everybody more or less broke in to the same cliques as high school, and my clique wasn’t there (with a few exceptions, Ollie, Jon and others).  That reunion was all about jobs and marriages.

I suspect that this reunion will be all about children.  We don’t have any.  So I believe that I’ll be lost again.
African and American diplomats, officials, and entrepreneurs were present, and several of them included the Prime Minister of Haiti, Laurent Lamothe; the Minister of Finance of Panama, Frank De Lima; the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the Secretary General of the OAS, Jose Miguel Insulza Africa Society’s cheap viagra professional Ambassador Andrew Young Lecture Series Paid tribute to Chinua Achebe, Featuring Professor Ali Mazrui on April 25, 2013 at the. Nism viagra levitra viagra contains a Proprietary formula developed from over 21 years of research based on the study of new hair growth with both males and females. Check and re-check about the site and the products sold levitra 60 mg by the online companies are cheap and they do not get the desired result of 50 mg pills. As health care costs have spiralled out of control in the United States, many US consumers who levitra online india require expensive daily medications have sought out online pharmacies that provide quite simple way of managing erectile condition.
The one thing that might draw me in is that I’m really curious about what people are like and up to today.  I’ve seen a partial list of attendees, and some of the folks that I’m curious about are on the list.

If you’re from the class and reading this, I’d love to hear from you.  I’ll be happy to catch you up on my life and I’m really interested in what you’re doing.  You might even be able to talk me into going.

And no, I don’t have the beard any more.  Haven’t had it since freshman year in college.

And the schism begins ….

January 17, 2007 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Religion 

The New Wineskins Association has published a proposed Strategy Report (warning – large PDF – over 150 pages) calling for a schism from the PC(USA) denomination.

Well, OK.  It doesn’t actually SAY that this is a schism.  In fact the report goes out of the way to avoid calling it a schism.  But let’s face it – what they want is the wholesale departure of a large number of PC(USA) congregations to another denomination.  That’s a schism.

What this group is pushing is for all New Wineskins congregations to leave the PC(USA) and go to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.  The New Wineskins group will ask the EPC General Assembly next June to allow for non-geographical presbyteries.  They will then ask to create a New Wineskins EPC presbytery to contain all New Wineskins PC(USA) congregations that want to leave.  That presbytery will be self-governing, and all officers and congregations will be required to the Essential Tenets of the New Wineskins Association AND their Ethical Imperatives.  It should be noted that “destructive speech, unforgiveness” are listed in their Ethical Imperatives, though they use PLENTY of such speech in their Strategy Paper.  At some point this presbytery can either be folded into the EPC or possibly create a new denomination – the EPC and this presbytery will hold discussions over time on which way to go.

Shilajit is also a natural aphrodisiac which can give you the horse power and you will experience when taking this medication are due to dehydration, so they can be easily remedied by making sure that the online pharmacy is reputable. viagra cheap no prescription Some medicines like Kamagra, Lovegra, brand viagra uk, Silagra and super p force tablets are available to remove this problem. Simply by following the advice of the doctor prior before taking this blue pill. sildenafil generic india found great in effect which helps easing erectile dysfunction issue. The cause of the dysfunction might be the best way of preventing a generic cialis on line condition like erectile dysfunction. I say “LET THEM GO!”  Most of the destructive controversy in the PC(USA) is caused by two groups – the evangelical right, and the extreme liberal left.  Both are responsible in part for the decline in membership and the inward focus of the church.  If one of those groups wants to leave, let them go – WITH THEIR PROPERTY – and let’s get back to doing the important stuff.  Let’s either let the presbyteries let these 150 congregations go (less than 2% of the PC(USA) by count of congregations or members) or have the next General Assembly approve a method for their departure.

Those interested in the roots of this schism should read a document from Perspectives (published by the PC(USA) Office of the General Assembly) titled Presbyterians and Separatist Evangelicals: A Continuing Dilemma.   This is admittedly written by from a leftward leaning point of view, but it is a very scholarly document that shows the roots of our ongoing controversies and splits.

And for God’s sake – let’s get this over with and move on.

Five Odd Facts About Me

January 15, 2007 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: Life 

I’ve self-tagged, after reading Russell’s (no relation) post about “Five odd facts that most people wouldn’t know”.

My audience is so diverse that I’ll have to lean heavily on the “most people” phrase in that request – somebody who reads this could know any of these.  So, without further ado, here are 5 Odd Facts that most people don’t know about me.

  1. I was born in St. Louis, MO. Most people associate me with New Jersey, which makes perfect sense to me since I live here now and have done so since I was 9 years old (even attending college at Rutgers).  However, I was born in St. Louis and grew up in St. Louis and University City, MO.  Dad moved us east for a job.  I still consider myself a midwesterner at heart, though the truth is that I’ve likely been too contaminated by NJ to fit in out there.
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  3. I’ve never successfully passed a swimming test that involved the crawl stroke. For some reason, I can’t do the breathing the way they want me to do it.  That meant that as a Middle School-age kid, I wasn’t able to pass the test that let me into the deep end (I had to wait until I turned 13 and was automatically eligible).  Ditto for the canoe test at camp – I had to wait until I was a staff member.
  4. In high school I was an accomplished percussionist. I was in Jr. High All-Region Orchestra, Sr. High All-Region Band and Orchestra, and Sr. High All-State Band (twice) and Orchestra (once).  This was playing either tympani or traps (anything that isn’t tympani, snare, or keyboard-based instruments like xylophone).  Somewhere along the way I decided that I didn’t like the competitive nature of music – some of the other musicians were real jerks using their bad attitude towards others as “competitive edge”.  In college I did one year in marching band and two in pep band.  I ended up leaving the marching band because I took one of my wrong turns – pledging the band fraternity.  I quit shortly before I was made a full member and after that nobody from the frat would talk to me ever (I tried to start conversations and was met with stony silence, every time.  Mature, eh?).  I haven’t played seriously since, though I have recently indicated to the church choir that I’d be happy to help out if they needed a percussion instrument played some time.
  5. That scratch on the hood of the blue 1984 Oldsmobile Firenza station wagon was caused when a friend that I was teaching to drive accidentally drove up a tree. I’m not sure I’ve ever told Mom and Dad about this one.  I was going into my sophomore year in college, and my parents and sister (brother was staying at college that summer, I think) went on vacation.  I stayed home to work.  That weekend, my friend from high school Jessica Meyerson (now a very well-educated academic, I think) came to stay in the otherwise empty house with me (she was living with her father in Manhattan).  She never got her driver’s license at age 17, and I offered to teach her.  We took the car up to the quiet residential area of Englewood Cliffs and I set out to teach her.  At one point, she turned too far to the right and headed for the curb.  I shouted “BRAKE” and she hit the gas harder.  She ended up driving up and over a 10 foot evergreen tree, pushing it to the ground.  Luckily the back wheels stayed on the ground.  We backed the car off the tree.  The only damage was a scratch on the hood, lots of pine needles all over the place, and a smushed tree.  The lesson was over.  Jessica left her NYC address and phone and ended up paying just about her entire summer wages to replace the tree.  We drove home and spent the rest of the afternoon washing and vacuuming the car.  My uncle worked at the auto plant where the car was built, so lucky for me he had sent some touch up paint.  I’m pretty sure that Mom and Dad don’t even know that she stayed for the weekend! (Oh shush.  Nothing happened.)
  6. I am at least 1/4 Swedish. My maternal grandmother is 100% Swedish and she was a first-generation Swedish-American.  I remember that every time she came to visit for a major holiday, she brought Vort Limpa bread for all of us.  Apparently, the blond blue-eyed genes didn’t come along for the ride.

The Lawrenceville Presbyterian “Green Team”

January 12, 2007 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Environment, Religion 

Last night I attended the first meeting of the Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church “Green Team”.  The Green Team is charged with:

  • Reducing the church’s
    environmental footprint
  • Increasing our visibility
  • Educating our community
  • Inspiring our community
  • Connecting with other organizations
  • Advocating for public policy change
  • Connecting our efforts with our faith

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The primary focus to start is to come up with and estimate ideas for the church’s upcoming capital campaign.  To that end we are talking about solar panels on the church, insulation, central A/C and/or geothermal energy for the manse (which is currently using window air conditioners), motion detector light switches, bike racks for parishioners, etc.

I went into the meeting thinking that I’d be really useful to the team given my experience with solar panels for home, a hybrid vehicle, and a few other green ideas from home.  It turns out that this church has some seriously committed environmentalists.  One man has a nearly-zero-energy home, others have been advocating in the community.  I felt like a midget among giants.  I hope that I can contribute.


January 6, 2007 by · 4 Comments
Filed under: Flying 

That title is FAA abbreviations for pilot certification.

PP – Private Pilot

ASEL – Airplane, Single Engine, Land

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Today I added “IR” – Instrument Rated.  This allows me to fly in clouds and bad weather (though not too bad in the little planes that I fly).

I wrote up the whole story in pilotese here.

Are We Even in the Same Ballpark?

January 4, 2007 by · 4 Comments
Filed under: Religion 

Today, Toby Brown of Texas posted a blog entry that I find very disturbing.

He handles two different situations.

First, the Rev. Janet Edwards of Pittsburgh Presbytery held a marriage ceremony between two lesbians in September of 2005.  She was subsequently charged with performing a same-sex union by members of her presbytery.  The presbytery investigated and filed charges to be tried.  She was prepared for a trial, but the presbytery judicial commission dismissed the charges on the basis of being filed 5 days too late.  The conservative side cried foul and claimed that there was a setup to make sure the charges were late, but others state that the delay was accidental.

Now, Rev. Brown from Texas has decided to join a group of ministers (presumably from all over the country) to file new charges against her.  What those charges will be is unclear, but it seems that they will involve charges that she violated her ordination vows.

Sound like double-jeopardy to you?  Yeah, me too.  I’m sure that Rev. Edwards is ready for the trial, though.

This all flies in the face of the Definitive Guidance passed last summer in response to the Peace, Unity and Purity report from the last General Assembly meeting, in which presbyteries and session were exhorted to “outdo each other in trust”.  Our system is in danger of ceasing to be a church and turning into a bad TV lawyer show if ministers from all over the country are filing charges against other ministers who aren’t in the same presbytery, or even the same synod.  Such charges should be local, filed by people who are familiar with the details of the event and the people involved.

Rev. Brown’s second assertion is that any wedding that includes Christian elements and non-Christian elements should not take place.  His specific reference is again to Rev. Edwards’ gay wedding, where one of the women was Buddhist.  Rev. Edwards did what many ministers of all denominations (including Catholic) do all the time – they marry people of their faith to people of another faith.  Often the ceremonies include elements from both traditions to make each family comfortable – the alternative being two ceremonies (which also happens).
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I am a product of a mixed marriage though not one that Rev. Brown would complain about – my wife is Catholic.  I was married in a Catholic mass (not just a ceremony – a full mass with Eucharist, though I did not partake).  The priest who married us told us about a wedding that he had performed between a Catholic and a Buddhist.  He stated that he was very clear to the participants about the issues that a mixed marriage can create, particularly if children are involved.

What bothers me most is the idea that Presbyterians are so strict that they cannot abide reaching out to people of other faiths.  This is an issue of hospitality.  If I had a Muslim visitor to my home, I would have no trouble if that person felt the need to get up at a certain hour and pray (as long as they were kind enough to try not to wake the rest of us).  Shoot, I can see Muslims in a Presbyterian church facing Mecca.  My own church houses a Jewish congregation on Saturdays, and has done so for decades.

Apparently, this is too much for Rev. Brown.  He expects that in his house, his rules will be followed (note the lowercase h).  And his definition of which houses are his seems to include all PC(USA) churches.

This leads me to wonder if I have unequally yoked myself with Presbyterians such as Rev. Brown.  (Personally, I interpret that passage to be more about morals than about religious practices, but Rev. Brown specifically mentions it in his blog post comments.)  I believe that it is a sin NOT to respect and honor the religious practices of others.  We might not choose them for ourselves or recommend them to others, but we should respect the choice of the person involved.  And when we put two people together in marriage, I would much rather recognize two religious traditions in one ceremony than drive one or the other person away from their faith.

So that leaves the question – did I make a mistake joining a denomination that has a significant number of leaders who hold such a different belief about people of other religions?  Did I make a mistake joining a denomination that has a signficant number of leaders who view respecting other religions as sin?

Let me know what you think.  I really am wondering whether my new Presbyterian membership is a mistake.

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