Whipping the Easter Bunny

April 9, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Can't Make This Up, Religion 

The Glassport Assembly of God Church held a program on Easter, which included whipping the Easter Bunny and breaking colored eggs. Supposedly, it was supposed to show what Christ went through in the Easter story. It seems to have primarily scared or upset small children.

gelatinous cube has a good idea for the Christmas pageant.
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As a young child I had a few strange experiences at the local Assembly of God church in Englewood, NJ – courtesy of my next-door neighbors who brought us with their children. I don’t think my parents ever let me go back again afterward.


April 9, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Weblogs 

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Here’s the original meme site.

A Church Bake Sale – Hamas Style

April 9, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

In Gaza, Hamas has resorted to collecting donations at mosques in order to fund their armed terrorists. This is apparently because American pressure to freeze their bank accounts globally is working.

I wonder when people will start to realize that in some places, Islam cannot be separated from terrorism. I don’t mean to say that ALL of Islam is terrorist, but clearly in some places it works that way. This probably has parallels in some conservatives whites-only churches in the South of the US during the 50’s and 60’s.

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Hat Tip: Command Post

A Chicken of Your Own

April 8, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Can't Make This Up 

Burger King has apparently paid some poor guy to wear a chicken suit and do whatever websurfers want him to do. www.subservientchicken.com

Supposedly, there is a list of things that he will NOT do.
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(Hat Tip: Boing Boing)

Supreme Court Justice Restricts Media

April 8, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia forced two reporters to blank their tapes of his speech before a high school, and later had two reporters ejected from a reception held at William Carey College after stating that they would be allowed. (CNN Story)

As you can see in the article, Justice Scalia has also gone so far as to restrict the presence of reporters at a ceremony where he was given an award for supporting free speech!

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Metafilter has picked up on this one. Also, this is today’s gridlock for the OTB Traffic Jam.

Bomb in Atlanta Airport?

April 7, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

WXIA (NBC-Atlanta) is reporting that a suspicious device was found in a men’s room at Atlanta-Hartsfield Airport. According to the article, a TSA representative in Washington called it “an explosive device”.

(Hat Tip: Command Post)
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UPDATED: It appears that the bomb was a hand grenade with the pin pulled, attached to a mobile radio. It has been neutralized. This from the Atlanta Constitution.

Apology to the French

April 6, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Can't Make This Up 

Skeptomai has found an apology to the French on a washing instructions tag for a computer bag.

Click the link – it’s worth seeing the picture.
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Hat Tip: Boing Boing

Spontaneous Combustion in Italy

April 6, 2004 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Can't Make This Up 

MSNBC reports that the little village of Canneto di Caronia, Sicily, Italy has been experiences lots of spontaneous combustion events since January. The It is worthless ingesting viagra generika respitecaresa.org two doses in a day which can be harmful for the health. Well, this email dysfunction is nothing tadalafil cheapest online but getting your inbox full with huge mails that are mostly irrelevant. cheap sildenafil no prescription There is always a better choice for sex pills. Blood is the life of the body and circulation needs to be taken care of so problems like impotence canadian viagra prices don’t happen. local utility has cut off electricity to the area, but appliances, electrical equipment, and even cars continue to spark up for no apparent reason.

Fly a Flag for Fallujah

April 6, 2004 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

US Flag

Electric Venom suggests that we fly a flag on our blogs to show our support for the US military’s on-going campaign to stop the violence in Fallujah, Iraq. An Islamic cleric Al-Sadr is trying to derail peace in Iraq by having his followers take over police stations and fight Iraqi Police and the military.

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We need to finish this in Iraq. It would be wrong to leave them in chaos, without the help that they will need to develop democracy and ensure basic human rights that are new to them after so many years under Saddam.

Intelligent Discourse

April 5, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

Apparently, my blog has gotten enough readers that I get hate mail. In response to my post on Gangs of Boston, I received the following comment:

Reading this entry made me pissed off. If you LOVE Bush you’re a brainwashed fool that is NOT lower class, you’re probalby upper middle class to upper class. Go ahead Mr.Conservative and tell me to believe in God and protest abortion while dropping bombs on hundreds of familys. Thousands of little children being killed. Just remember YOU dont go fight, just us middle and low class kids. Send 18 year old poor kids to die so you can get more money into defense and bullshit like that to get rid of JFK. The corruption will not be tolerated. If you, like me, experienced the actual LABOR involved in being a laborer you’d ahve a union too. Fat greedy corporate F*cks think they can trap the little guy. Hey…if it weren’t for the unions there’d be no such thing as a weekend, remember that. If US companies could, every workplace would be a sweatshop working for 12 hours everyday like back pre-unionism…but they just make children in 3rd world countries do it instead. Have fun CORPORATE AMERICA: NEVER FIGHT A BATTLE, LET SOMEONE ELSE DO IT FOR YOU. How do you sleep at night..

Let me discuss this point by point.

First, I don’t love Bush. I’m not a Bush supporter. I have voted Democrat in every Presidential election since I turned 18. I’m also not Conservative by any stretch – I favor abortion rights, gay marriage, public education funding, funding for the arts, etc. I’m closest to a Moderate Liberal, though I’m more conservative when it comes to the federal budget. I will admit to being somewhere between middle class and upper class, by the sweat of my brow and my parent’s emphasis on education (Dad was a teacher, school principal and now is a school superintendent).

Second, I NEVER push people on their personal religion. I was raised a Presbyterian, and even ordained a Deacon in my youth. However, I’ve been inactive for almost 10 years (or more) due to negative experiences with power politics in the church. Even while I was active, I never forced my religion on others. In fact, I left religious groups that I was affiliated with over that issue. I am a strong supporter of the separation between church and state.

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Fourth, we disagree on the appropriateness of the war. I expected that – that’s what the original rally was about. I will point out, however, that our current military is all-volunteer. I’m sure that there are people in the military who felt it was their only choice, but the fact is that there are other jobs available to people with the same educational requirement that pay just as well.

Last, you proved my point. Rather than talk about the issues, you have sent me an insult-filled rant about your opinions. And that’s the point that I was making – the protestors at the rally I mentioned above didn’t talk about the issues – they tried to intimidate (physically) the opposition. I would have expected someone reading from a UMass.edu address to be on a higher plane of discussion (and to provide an e-mail address, rather than posting hate mail anonymously).

Oh, well. At least someone’s reading my blog! And I sleep quite well at night as far as these issues are concerned.

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