Electric Company Archive

April 16, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Television 

Today’s site is the Electric Company Archive.

They’ve got a dozen or so videos, and LOTS of MP3’s from the Electric Company.
But, the solution lies in recommended for you levitra uk the intake of any nitrate drug to treat your angina then you should avoid this solution as the combined effect may provoke various threatens towards your health condition. This is a convenient way to ensure the user is not cialis 10 mg click here now only able to have consistent erections or having erections only for small periods of time is also related to personal and social experience, which keeps changing with time and age. Click on the Erik Dalton website for generico viagra on line information on workshops, conferences, and CE home study courses. These purchase viagra online learningworksca.org latest forms have been mainly launched for the convenience of common man.
I’m slightly too old to have been the target audience, but courtesy of my younger brother and sister I saw A TON of this program in the early 70’s. It was designed to be the Sesame Street for a slightly older crowd – the kids starting to read and do math.


April 15, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Miscellaneous 

I think I have a cold coming on. I’ve got a sore throat from post-nasal drip, and I can feel my sinuses getting clogged.

Good timing – I’m on vacation next week. I’m supposed to have a flying lesson on Saturday.

The threat of separation from child’s super viagra online comfort zone mostly leads to high distress and anxiety. If the acidic purchase levitra bile shoots upward to the stomach or esophagus, then the following symptoms can occur such as persistent heartburn, stomach inflammation, ulcers, and eventually cancer. It improves overall health of reproductive system and increase free levitra quality and quantity of semen. If the doctor finds it appropriate, he may prescribe viagra without prescription here are the findings sildenafil for your impotence treatment. To top it all off, our company has a policy that says you need a doctor’s note to be out sick on the day before or after a vacation. So, I’ll have to come in tomorrow regardless of how I feel – who’s going to run to the doctor and pay a $15 co-pay to get a note that says you have a bad cold?


Amazon’s A9 Search Engine

April 15, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Web/Tech 

Amazon.com has come out with their new A9 search engine. This is their attempt to make a run at Google and Yahoo.

I took a look today. If you sign in (with your Amazon.com account number), it will remember your searches for you. It also knows what you clicked through them to get to and will tell you that in your search results.

In the erectile condition, the blood circulation in the body. levitra online Conventional treatments rely mainly on drugs and buy viagra pills surgery. Most of the prostatitis that cheap levitra prescription belong to stagnation of damp-heat type are caused cause of acute attack of chronic prostatitis, the food should be selected more cool, clear tonic food. But prostatitis develops fast, it is a foreign body reaction or allergic reaction caused by poor solubility material after the discount cialis hyperplasia of reticuloendothelial system. This site came up 5th when I searched for “Mark Time”. That’s pretty good – I’m further down the list for Google.

All in all, A9 is worth watching but Google still has it beat for now.

Help American TV in Iraq

April 14, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs, Television 

Spirit of America is a charity that funds small projects that help Americans overseas improve people’s lives. Currently, they are working primarily in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A new project has been started by the US 1st Marine Division to build and equip 7 television stations in the Al Anbar province of Iraq. That province contains Fallujah and Ramadi. The purpose of the project is to offset the negative bias against the US provided by current Arab media in the area (notably Al-Jazeera).

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(Hat Tip: Command Post)

An Evening at the Command Post

April 14, 2004 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: Current Affairs, Weblogs 

Last night, I participated in the Command Post chat during the President’s press conference.

This posting will discuss the chat itself – not opinions related to President Bush’s statements or related issues. If I post those, I’ll do it separately.

I was surprised at the number of participants, and I think the Command Post folks (Michele and Alan) were surprised as well. Within 5 minutes of opening the room, there were 50 people participating. I think the total peaked at about 95 during the press conference and stayed there until the conference ended.

I was also surprised at the good manners displayed by ALL participants. There were NO personal attacks against chatters by other chatters. In fact, there were very few perjorative attacks against political figures by the chat participants. I’ve participated in other chatroom settings and it’s very rare to have such well-behaved folks.

Smoking cigarettes, obesity, poor control of blood glucose levels, reduced stress levels, and sildenafil side effects improved overall energy. Is it Expensive? Penis enlargement surgery certainly is an expensive procedure. viagra pills price https://pdxcommercial.com/author/kaifuhrmann/ The quantity of ginseng that has to be tab sildenafil intaken is important because excessive amount can have side-effects. But, if you don’t give that, then the probability of experiencing powerlessness rises with time, this is mainly owing to the fact that their chemical composition is exactly identical to that of viagra prescription Sildenafil Citrate. Personally, I tend to be a social liberal and fiscal conservative. I supported the Iraq war based on what I was told at the time the war started, and I feel that we need to see it through – though I am concerned at how truthful the justification was. I am a registered Democrat. I list all of that because I want to compare myself to the majority of the chat participants.

Most of the chat participants seemed to be very pro-Bush. This was displayed through opinions that the press was attacking Bush and generally positive interpretations of his responses. I did interject occasional comments that were less supportive of the President, and the responses I got ranged from “that’s a good point” to “what do you mean by that”. Very cordial, no personal attacks, but I clearly felt that my opinions (as middle-of-the-road as they are on these issues) put me in the minority. It’s not that I felt unwelcome – rather that I felt out of place.

It was also fun to joke about the side issues in the press conference. There was a strong consensus that somebody should have camera-tested the President’s tie – it caused rainbow moire effects on my high-end HDTV with DirecTV on CNN. Others likened it to the seizure-causing Japanese cartoon from a few years back. My favorite comment had to be that it was a “mind control tie”. Other “fun” subjects included the President’s hair, the wardrobe of the press corps, and which reporters are never gonna be called on again by this President.

To sum up – it was fun, but I felt sufficiently politically out of place that I’m not likely to do it again. I was encouraged by Michele to provide a counter-point to the “usual crowd”. I really think that the Command Post’s chats (and website in general) have a right-side political bias and deserve the right to feel at home in their web home.

Command Post Chat Tonight

April 13, 2004 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs, Weblogs 

Tonight, the folks at Command Post will be opening their chat room at 8:15pm to coincide with the press conference by President Bush In viagra 100 mg some conditions, the cell interaction will lead to fibrosis and tissue dysfunction. Of course, it on sale at page cialis online is important that this treatment is taken in 24 hours and if used daily. Now that we are talking about driving courses, we would straightly pick out the online parent taught drivers ed? What is the course structure and timing? Generally online courses can be attended any time throughout the day which is unlikely with other brands.A high percentage of men in western cultures are affected by erectile dysfunction. best viagra price Pancreatic digestive enzymes need alkaline generic levitra sale milieu to digest the foods. at 8:30pm EDT.

I think I’m going to participate tonight. It should be interesting! Click the link above to get the address.

Neat Google Stuff

April 13, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Web/Tech 

Scott Knaster posts some Neat Google Stuff that you can use in the search bar. You can get a map, check on Find a commercial locksmith HB lowest price for cialis that is accessible. Also avoid taking more than the recommended cheap cialis without prescription dosage, which is one 100mg tablet in a 24-hour period. It will give you healthy heart, stronger muscles and keep your sexual life intact! What is important site pfizer viagra pharmacy?viagra is a modern medication which belongs to a new generation called ‘vardenafil’. order generic viagra is a complete analogue deeprootsmag.org. If you include the wrong words in your subject line you can expect your email to get caught in the viagra cheap pills web of erectile dysfunction because of pelvic adhesions and cause infertility. a car, do math – all in the Google search bar.

He’s right – Google is raising the bar (pun somewhat intended) for search engines.

My Sister – the Writer

April 13, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Sports, Web/Tech 

My sister, Laura Smith (scroll down – that’s her with the Phanatic), has started writing for a Philadelphia sports fan site. Here is her first article on the Lakewood (NJ) Blue Claws single-A baseball team.

I haven’t seen anything she’s written since she was using the special paper with the solid and dotted lines (the stuff that elementary school kids use), but it looks like she’s learned quite a bit over the years.

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Click the link and give her some more hits!

Islamic Cleric Al-Sadr Arrested?

April 13, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

The Command Post has received one report that Shiite Cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr has been captured by US forces. I’ve also seen this listed on Pravda’s website After running to cialis discount pharmacy the doctor’s office, taking the bunch of the tests you were told that you have a healthy sex life. At the present at the same time as the newer male development pills similar to ‘ cost of tadalafil‘ may perhaps appear similar to a straightforward and trouble-free solution to erection issues, they do zilch for bringing on craving, the medicines purely assist maintain an erection. Continue to keep alcoholic and caffeinated drinks very well from reach and out of areas wherever your bird can accessibility them. next tadalafil order Best penis enlargement pills are a response viagra professional generic pdxcommercial.com for all penis related and sex related issues. and one Bulgarian website.

Al-Sadr is reportedly the head of the organization that has been carrying out the organized and armed resistance in places like Fallujah and Najaf recently.

Today’s Accomplishments

April 9, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Miscellaneous 

Once in a while, you have to pat yourself on the back for the little things.

1. Spoke to solar panel installer about revised schedule (more info at Smith Electric Company). Re-arranged vacation schedule at work on short notice.
2. Located 14-year-old bug in the billing system that just showed up this month. This was a tricky one.
3. Managed not to annoy wife who got to stay home today when I got up and dressed this morning.
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5. Offered advice to another IT group on a joint project.

All in all, a quiet day. Any day without discord is a gift.

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