Using Children as Bombs

March 24, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

Israel stopped another suicide bomber today – a 16-year-old Palestinian boy who reportedly had diminished intelligence: Yahoo Article

This is just disgusting. We’ve reached the point where the Palestinians are using CHILDREN (and apparently disabled children at that) to kill Israeli and Palestinians civilians.

If there’s any question of why the United States tends to support Israel in their conflict with Palestine, this should answer the question. Remember Megan Kanka? Amber Alerts? Americans love our children. There is very little that matches the fury of the populace against those who hurt or kill children. In Megan’s case, the people of Hamilton, NJ (where I live) bought her killer’s house and tore it down – putting a park in its place.
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There is no way the Palestinians are going to improve public opinion by using children to do their dirty work, while their leaders stay safe in their hiding places.

This is today’s submission for the Outside the Beltway Traffic Jam.

Israel and Yassin

March 23, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

The other day, Israel killed the leader of Hamas – Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. They did it by destroying his car as he left a mosque in Gaza.

There has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth in Europe and the Middle East – mainly condemning Israel for the move. European leaders called it “unlawful”.

I beg to disagree.

Israel is in a war against terrorism. Yassin was the leader of a major terrorist group that has acknowledged responsibility for many terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. Therefore, in my mind, Israel is justified in killing the leader of the enemy.

Let’s make it simpler: Israel targets terrorists, and sometimes kills civilians in the process. Hamas (and other Palestinian terrorist groups) targets civilians. It’s that simple.

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Zeyad gets it in his comments on the Iraqi reaction.

Outside the Beltway got it right yesterday as well.

Add Citizen Smash to the list of people who get it.

Neptunus Lex REALLY gets it, and adds a story about his daughter’s reaction to 9/11 that you must read.

A Monkey’s First Banana

March 23, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Weblogs 

Chief Wiggles posts a new story of his visit to a US elementary school to receive toys for kids in Iraq.

My favorite quote:

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If you haven’t ever checked out his site, or Operation Give, you really should. The Chief is an Army National Guard officer from Utah who started a charity while in Iraq to give toys and school supplies to Iraqi children.

Japan Finds the Easy Way

March 23, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Uncategorized 

Vastly Important Notes points out that the Japanese have found a really good way to refer to screwdrivers. The tutorials, videos, discount here online levitra india etc. can be easily ingested by the patient and the wonder drug will start affecting you. Be prepared! Just by taking a photocopied certificate won’t work for viagra online pharmacy many states. It can be consumed orally and there are different kinds of treatment which can be taken depending upon the condition or severity of online viagra uk the sexual disorder. Recommended Dosage and Usage Kamagra Oral Jelly ordering cialis from canada visit address comes in the form of a small and discreet pill. Click the link and take a look!

I have to wonder why somebody in the US never thought of this.

The World as a Blog

March 22, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Weblogs 

Just found this really neat site. The World as a Blog shows real-time blog entries on a map of the world. The ejaculation time refers to the india viagra for sale time when they have to compromise with his relationship. You can get the levitra for sale drug sitting at your home on time. While performance-related cell phone solutions are readily accessible for jail broken iPhones, but you may need to tinker on configurations for some time if you encounter buy cialis uk issues. Premature ejaculation treatment can be done easily only in very generic viagra sales few people now. They pop up as their entry gets pinged on

With any luck, I’ll see this one pop up in a minute …..

Eulogy for a Cat

March 18, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Life 

EG, the cat of a fellow blogger rhubarb, has died.

Please go here to offer your condolences.

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I’ll be hugging my cats a lot this evening.

First Solo

March 17, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Flying 

I solo’ed an airplane for the first time today!

For those who don’t know, this is a huge step for a student pilot, where your instructor signs your student license allowing you to fly alone for practice and eventually for things like required cross-country trips.

The story of the solo is at this page: My First Solo
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Woo hoo!

Growing Old

March 17, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Miscellaneous 

I was just on the phone talking to my mother (to tell her about my solo flight below).

She called my younger brother on his birthday a week ago. She told him that he was making her feel old.

Brother: “Why?”
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Brother: “I hate to tell you this, but I’m 33 years old.”

True story!

Al Sharpton on Gay Marriage

March 16, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Miscellaneous 

Now, I’m no fan of Al Sharpton. I watched on TV from college as his marchers torched Teaneck, NJ after a police shooting – just a few miles from my family home.

On the other hand, I am a supporter of gay rights and gay marriage.

Today, on CNN’s Crossfire program, Al Sharpton appeared. He was asked about gay marriage, and he made a strong statement. I struggled to write it down quickly, so I might be slightly wrong in the exact words that he used.

Al called the issue “a weapon of mass distraction”. He also said:
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“The question is not who you go to bed with, it’s whether or not you have a job when you wake up.”

You go, Al.

Maybe this will look good on Outside the Beltway Traffic Jam.

Donald Rumsfeld – that youthful look

March 16, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

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