Abortion Excess Again

July 27, 2004 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Can't Make This Up, Current Affairs 

The loony left is making it difficult to continue my liberal leaning yet again. Where do these people come from?

Planned Parenthood has come up with a new T-Shirt – the “I Had an Abortion” T-Shirt. (No, I’m not making this up.)

This seems insane to me. I can’t think of any reason that an abortion would be morally acceptable to me that doesn’t involve a mistake, or at best circumstances beyond the woman’s control. I can see having an abortion because you accidentally (or through birth control failure) become pregnant. I can see having an abortion because you were raped or impregnated through an incestuous relationship. I can even see having an abortion to save the life of some of a multiple pregnancy. However, none of these things involve something to be proud of.

I have known exactly two people in my life who have had an abortion. In both cases, it was due to an error – an unexpected pregnancy at a bad time in their lives. In both cases, the prevailing emotion involved was shame (among others). Neither woman (one was really just a girl at the time) was proud.
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Would you wear a T-shirt that says: “I Rear-Ended Someone on the Interstate”? How about “I Shoplifted”? Or “I Was Playing Ball in the House and Broke the Lamp”?

Planned Parenthood has gone too far. Abortion should be available to women who have made an error or had something terrible (again, rape and incest here) happen to them. However, I can’t think of any time that it is appropriate to be PROUD of having an abortion.

(Hat Tip: A Small Victory)

Two Political Cartoons

July 21, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

Today, I present you with two political cartoons.

The first is hysterically funny and non-partisan – This Land is Your Land. (about 3 minutes – slightly not work-safe)
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The second is sad but true, and comes from the MoveOn.org ad contest – Brother Can You Spare a Job? (about 7 minutes – work-safe)

Kentucky Fried Cruelty

(This is getting to be tough week. I’m finding myself having to take the side opposite my own beliefs because those who I agree with are going to extremes.)

I hate PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). These people are generally vegetarian Nazis – who believe that eating meat is morally wrong. I have a few vegetarian friends, but they are very good about respecting the eating habits of others (as my wife and I do for them by providing veggie alternatives when they eat at our house). PETA is also the same group that paints fur coats and commits other acts of veggie-terrorism.

However, in one case at least they’ve gotten it right.

Preeclampsia order levitra online is a serious complication occurring in the terminal stage of pregnancy. What medicines you should take depends on what causes respitecaresa.org get cialis erection problems in you. Many couples find it completely success for using this technique and beginning to re-engage sexually canadian levitra online instead of avoiding being sexual for fear of penile failure. Instead, they’ll currently exert greater control as to when they are cipla levitra about to have a baby, so it is nothing to feel embarrassing about it. This link is to a video shot by an undercover PETA employee at a Pilgrim’s Pride plant in West Virginia. This particular plant supplies chicken to KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), which has been targeted by PETA. The video shows workers throwing live chickens against a wall and kicking them. It ends with workers actually stomping on live chickens – in one case hopping across the floor to hit more chickens.

This is depraved. Apparently, it’s caused by frustrations and boredom among the plant workers. However, this behavior is unacceptable in anyone. Cruelty to animals is closely linked to abuse of people.

I’ve written to Pilgrim’s Pride and KFC and told them that I’ll be boycotting them (in KFC’s case all brands owned by YUM Brands, Inc.) until they show a clear track record of proper behavior. I suggest that you do the same.

One out of Three is bad

July 19, 2004 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Current Affairs, Life, Religion 

The Blogverse is up in arms about this story: When One is Enough

The gist is this – a 34-year-old feminist decides to have children with her boyfriend. She stops taking the pill and gets pregnant. She visits the doctor, who informs her that she’s going to have triplets.

Here’s where the story gets bad.

My immediate response was, I cannot have triplets. I was not married; I lived in a five-story walk-up in the East Village; I worked freelance; and I would have to go on bed rest in March. I lecture at colleges, and my biggest months are March and April. I would have to give up my main income for the rest of the year. There was a part of me that was sure I could work around that. But it was a matter of, Do I want to?

Yes, that’s right. She doesn’t want all three – she isn’t willing to accept the negative effects on her lifestyle that triplets would bring.

When we saw the specialist, we found out that I was carrying identical twins and a stand alone. My doctors thought the stand alone was three days older. There was something psychologically comforting about that, since I wanted to have just one. Before the procedure, I was focused on relaxing. But Peter was staring at the sonogram screen thinking: Oh, my gosh, there are three heartbeats. I can’t believe we’re about to make two disappear. The doctor came in, and then Peter was asked to leave. I said, ”Can Peter stay?” The doctor said no. I know Peter was offended by that.

She decides to have a procedure called “selective reduction”. This involves killing one or more of the fetuses. This is generally done in multiple birth cases (think quads or quints or more) because the mother can’t possibly successfully support all of the fetuses to full term – to save some rather than losing all of them. This is the first I’ve ever heard of a “convenience” selective reduction.

I am VERY pro-choice. I would much rather see a fetus aborted than an unwanted child be born to be abused, abandoned, or worse.

The question of whether or not a rape victim should be able to abort a fetus is no question to me – unquestionably yes.

The question of whether an unintended pregnancy by a very young woman should be stopped is still fairly easy – unquestionably yes.

That’s where the line starts to blur.

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I feel the same about abortion of genetically-damaged fetuses (like Down’s Syndrome detected in the womb). I’m glad that I don’t have to make the decision, and the woman should be able to make it herself.

Then you get to convenience.

I feel strongly that it’s not right for a woman to have serial abortions as a form of birth control. Condoms are cheap and quite effective.

I feel strongly that it’s not right for a woman to have an abortion to avoid the stress of an unintended pregnancy in some cases. I think that morally you should be limited to one abortion – any more and you’re clearly not being careful enough with birth control.

In Amy Richards case – this is just wrong. She wanted to have a child, but balked at having more than one. She ended up choosing WHICH children to eliminate. This is just a selfish act.

This is also putting us dangerously close to choosing sex or other characteristics. I can see the day where you hear a woman flippantly say, “Well, it turned out to have brown eyes and I really wanted blue so I had it eliminated. I’ll try again in 6 months.” That is just plain wrong on so many levels.

As a man, I will never have to make the final choice. In my marriage, we take sufficient precautions to avoid unplanned pregnancy – I will probably never have the opportunity to make the choice. However, I would NEVER decide to get rid of SOME of the children.

The next time you are with a group of kids – imagine. If you had to choose 2 of the group to get rid of, who would you choose?

Cases like Amy Richards move me much closer to the pro-life side. Not across the line, but closer to it.

A Small Victory discusses it, along with this heart-wrenching post from Auteriffic.

Dirty Shipper Atlas Line (USA)

July 14, 2004 by · 4 Comments
Filed under: Current Affairs 

Chief Wiggles Needs Our HELP!

Basically, the shipping company Atlas Line (USA), Inc. of Atlanta, GA was contracted by Operation Give to deliver donated toys to Iraqi children. They took a deposit of $10,000 per shipping container, which should have been passed on to their Kuwait affiliate/subsidiary. Now, 2 of the 3 containers are being held in Kuwait because the deposit was never passed on. Atlas Line in the US is refusing phone calls, and Operation Give has copies of the checks showing that they were deposited.

If you have any contacts in the shipping industry or Atlanta, please help. Also, please feel free to contact Atlas Line in Atlanta directly and politely express your opinion. The contact details are in the Chief Wiggles post.
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UPDATE: Thanks for your help. Things seem to be fixed now (see Dean’s post) but it still sounds like something hinky was going on.

UPDATE: August 2, 2004 – It’s still a problem. See my post HERE for more info and links to people more deeply involved that me.

Saddam Death Pool

July 8, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

Laurence of This Blog is Full of Crap has created the Saddam Hussein Death Pool.

It’s simple – you predict the date of Saddam’s death. In case of a tie, a random entry will be declared the winner.

The prize isn’t much at the moment – a mug for his website, a few bucks, and maybe – if he can find one – a Saddam Hippy-Hippy-Shake doll.
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Note that execution is not required – just death.

Enter soon, he’s gonna close the entries before too long.

Saudi Arabia – our enemy

June 18, 2004 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: Current Affairs 

Today (at least it was announced today), US citizen contractor Paul Johnson Jr was beheaded by a group calling themselves “Al Qaeda in the Saudi Arabia”. (Story from Outside the Beltway)

It’s pretty clear to me now (and it always has been) that Saudi Arabia is NOT our ally. They’ve been funneling money to terrorists (Fox News article), and they seem incapable of asserting any control over terrorists in their own country.

Unless we see a crackdown on terrorism in Saudi Arabia itself, it’s time for action.


We need a list of oil and gas companies buying from Saudi Arabia, in order to boycott them. I’ve been seeing ads on CNN for months talking about the Saudi’s kingdom’s financing of multinational companies (apparently an attempt at “good” spin) – we should be boycotting them as well.

Military Action
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After the hand-over of sovereignty to Iraq, it’s time for our military to execute a perfect turn to the south and carry out the invasion that the Saudis were so afraid of for the 90’s.

Also, it’s time to stop military aid to the Saudis – they’re not using it for anything other than joyrides in the desert for young members of the royal family.

President Bush – Time for Strong Action

Reports suggest that President Bush is personally close friends with members of the Saudi royal family. It’s time to set that aside and take strong action against a country that supports and finances terrorism. It’s a tough call – the British monarchy had to make the same decision against their German cousins at the beginning of the 20th century. However, that decision must be made. The guilty cannot hide behind their American friends.

I’m not worried about the loss of oil – it’s only 16% of US imports anyway. Besides, we’ll get it back later. If we survived the embargo in 1973, we can survive this.

Outsourcing – Muppets?

June 8, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs, Web/Tech 

You thought outsourcing your tech job to a third world country was bad?

Take a look at Nokia! Now, they’re outsourcing your job to Muppets!
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(Note the angry eyes on the CFO woman in the green dress, and the security guy with the black tie.)

NJ Primary Election

June 8, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

Today, New Jersey holds it’s annual primary election.

NJ’s primary is one of the latest (if not THE latest) in the whole primary season. As such, it’s worthless for the purpose of choosing a Presidential candidate.

Turnout tends to be low, because it’s meaningless. Something like 1/2 of NJ voters are registered as independents, so they can’t vote at all in the primary. Even for Democrats and Republicans, there are very few contested races.

This year, the Republicans have ZERO contested races. You just walk into the booth, push all the buttons (we’re on digital voting machines now), hit the red button and walk out. It takes longer to get signed in by the old ladies than it does to actually vote.

For the Democrats, only the US President race is contested. The choices are:
John Kerry – a man who seems to change his mind a lot
Lyndon LaRouche – a man in prison (or at least he used to be – I’ve lost track)
Dennis Kucinich – a man who looks like a space alien (and is so far from center that he might as well be one)
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Some choice, eh?

The polls open at 6am. My wife usually votes about 7:30am and I follow her at 7:45am on the way to work. In hotly contested races, there are often 30 or 40 people ahead of us.

Today, I was Democrat number 001. Republican 001 was the only one torn off of that book, so I suspect it was my wife. The old ladies got to sit around from 6am until 7:30am before ANYBODY showed up.

What a waste.

Polls are open until 9pm, if you want to bother.

Little Miss Hooters

May 21, 2004 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Can't Make This Up, Current Affairs 

Sekimori has taken pictures of a Hooters in Florida that is holding a “Little Miss Hooters” contest. Stacy found this herself and took the pictures. She didn’t reveal the exact franchise involved.

Apparently, Stacy called them to ask about it. The contest is for girls age 5 and UNDER, who will be dressed in spandex orange shorts and a tied-up Hooters T-Shirt.

This is just depraved. Small children are NOT sex objects. Feel free to let Hooters know what you think at Hooters PR Department. I will be doing the same.

UPDATE: I got the following response:

Thank you for expressing your concern regarding the contest in Florida. A store manager decided to host an event for the employee’s children which is not a part of Hooters National Marketing promotions, and has been cancelled.
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