Third Annual “Eat an Animal for PETA” Day
Today is the 3rd Annual International “Eat an Animal for PETA” Day.
The holiday was thought up by Meryl Yourish a few years back, when PETA offended her Jewish sensibilities by likening the slaughter of animals to the slaughter of Jews by the Nazis. (Yes, they really did!)
The PETA folks are just plain nuts. They are hypocrites, and many have no problem exploiting the very animals that they protect. Besides, we’re at the top of the food chain for a reason, right? We are omnivores, not herbivores.
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We would have had lamb burgers for dinner, based on the idea that we should eat the cutest animal possible. Unfortunately, the lamb patties turned on us in the freezer.
So, get out there and EAT MEAT!
Kentucky Fried Cruelty
Filed under: Can't Make This Up, Current Affairs, Food and Drink
(This is getting to be tough week. I’m finding myself having to take the side opposite my own beliefs because those who I agree with are going to extremes.)
I hate PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). These people are generally vegetarian Nazis – who believe that eating meat is morally wrong. I have a few vegetarian friends, but they are very good about respecting the eating habits of others (as my wife and I do for them by providing veggie alternatives when they eat at our house). PETA is also the same group that paints fur coats and commits other acts of veggie-terrorism.
However, in one case at least they’ve gotten it right.
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This is depraved. Apparently, it’s caused by frustrations and boredom among the plant workers. However, this behavior is unacceptable in anyone. Cruelty to animals is closely linked to abuse of people.
I’ve written to Pilgrim’s Pride and KFC and told them that I’ll be boycotting them (in KFC’s case all brands owned by YUM Brands, Inc.) until they show a clear track record of proper behavior. I suggest that you do the same.