Remembering September 11
Today is September 11, 2004. The day that we remember the tragedy of 3 years ago.
I woke up a little early this morning for two reasons: 1. my wife got up early to head to her parents’ in North Jersey and 2. I wanted to see the coverage of the Ground Zero ceremony.
I watched from the beginning until just after the 2nd moment of silence. I had to go outside and cut the lawn and generally continue life. I tuned back in later and saw the after-ceremony coverage.
They had a reflecting pool set up for the family members, police and fire to go to for prayer and such. I saw the pool before the ceremony – empty and serene. As family members went they left pictures, mementos, and wrote message on the simple wood frame of the pool. Flowers were left floating in the pool. I was surprised and heartened later to see it at 11am – the pool was a riot of color from all of the flowers that were floating in it. The reflecting pool was completely filled with flowers.
I think that sums up my feelings on the stage of grief that we’ve reached. We’re still sad, but life is beginning to continue for most of us. We remember, but our memories are becoming more positive about the lives of the people who were lost. We are healing.
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My September 11 Story
Tomorrow marks three years after September 11, 2001. I think perhaps it’s time to write down my personal story. (Thanks to Michele who prompted me with her article on the subject.) It’s not exciting – I didn’t know anyone hurt or killed – but it was traumatizing to me just the same.
Any Good News?
I need a little good news. Most of what I’m reading/hearing/experiencing seems to be bad news.
Work is, well, annoying. I’ve been given a project to re-invent a process that we have while ignoring the old rules AND building consensus with the people who invented the old rules. Add to that people who are making decisions in areas outside their expertise and declaring them the new rules. Not fun.
At home things are well, but I’m a bit overextended. I’m hoping to work my tail off at home doing the usual weekend stuff on Saturday to give me a full Sunday to do nothing but what I want to do. Wish me luck.
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Do you have any good news? I’ll take anything – your kid hit a home run or got a permanent tooth. Your cat managed not to throw up on the rug once this week. You didn’t burn dinner last night.
Leave some good news in the comments, or better yet trackback to a post of your own. Please.
Comedy at the 9/11 Hearing
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At least they’re having a little fun.