Presbyterian Election 2008 chat

November 4, 2008 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

The Presbyterian blogging community invites you to join us this evening for live chat about the November 4, 2008 election results.  We had so much fun doing this during General Assembly.

Writers should use this link:

You can also just watch the chat at this link:
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I’ll be there starting sometime between 6 and 7pm EST, and stay until we have a presidential winner (maybe later).

See you there!


November 4, 2008 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Current Affairs 

If you are eligible to vote, if you haven’t already voted, get out and VOTE!

There has not been a more important election in my lifetime, and possibly the lifetime of my parents.  We’re facing the perfect storm of a bad economy and a war.  Voting is particularly important this year.
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My name is Mark Smith, and I approve this message.

Barack’s Fro

November 3, 2008 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Can't Make This Up, Current Affairs 

A few friends of mine made this video.  I’ve been asked to publicize it.  I DO find it hilariously funny.

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Please tell your friends!

A PC(USA) amicable split – pre-requisites

October 30, 2008 by · 6 Comments
Filed under: Religion 

A number of people have started to conclude that the best solution for the current liberal/conservative divide in the PC(USA) is an amicable split.  We’re currently pursuing a non-amicable split, involving illegal congregational votes to leave, civil suits, and coercive tactics used by congregations, presbyteries, and even synods.  I’ve heard from lots on the web (mostly conservative) that a split is needed.  I’ve heard some in private from people who aren’t ready to put their stake in the ground (many progressive) that a split may be needed.

I would define an amicable split as one where the majority of the Church recognizes that what we’re doing isn’t working, the majority feels that the split is necessary, and an orderly (hey, we ARE Presbyterian) method of splitting up the assets and people is being used.

So what would be required in order to pursue that split?

  1. A group of leaders from the conservative side, and a group of leaders from the progressive side would have to stand together and say that the split is needed.  While some of those leaders could come from the organizations in the front lines of the current battle, I feel that the majority should be people who have been trying to preserve the denomination up unto this point.
  2. Those leaders would have to work together to put together a plan for how a split would work.  I tried to write one a while ago, and got lost in the minutiae.  I might post one soon in less detail.  At any rate, this core group of pro-split leaders (called “the core group” from hereon) would have to write it, propose it, and sell it to the rest of the denomination.  The plan would have to be detailed, include the differences in the Book of Order and Book of Confessions that each resulting denomination would have, and include a plan for splitting assets above the congregational level.
  3. The core group would have to write a series of enabling amendments to the Book of Order, and get a presbytery or several to overture the next GA.  Included in the proposal should be a scriptural justification for splitting.  This set of enabling amendments should also include an amendment prohibiting any changes to the Book of Order or Book of Confessions before the split is complete.
  4. The General Assembly would have to approve the plan and amendments.  This might include stopping some other processes already started (particularly the Book of Confessions changes).
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  6. The presbyteries would have to approve the amendments.
  7. The plan would start taking effect upon the approval of the presbyteries.  I have no doubt that the plan would include a coordinating committee made up of equal numbers of conservatives and progressives who would oversee the operation of the split.

So the big question is this – who would be in the Core Group?  Which leaders from each side are willing to step up and say “I’ve changed my mind – it’s time to stop fighting and find a way to split and work together.”?

I certainly don’t qualify (I’m not even an elder), and even so I’m not 100% sure that a split is necessary.  I believe that over time generational differences will result in the progressive side “winning” – in that their views will become the dominant views.  The only questions in my mind are:  Will the denomination and local churches survive the fight until then?  Is “winning” important enough to take up our energies while we wait for generational change?

I would note that a group (or individual? Only one contact name is listed) of conservatives have proposed a Two Synod Solution within the PC(USA) denomination.  I do not believe that this plan is complete or even a good idea, but it may provide a basis for thinking about how a split might take place.

What do you think?  Are you ready to say “We need to split?”  Are you opposed to a split?  Are you willing to be one of the leaders who steps up?

Breakfast with Bruce – Wed, November 12, 2008, Lawrenceville, NJ

October 24, 2008 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Religion 

Bruce Reyes-Chow, Moderator of the 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA), is coming back to Lawrenceville, NJ!  And you can join him for breakfast.

Bruce will be meeting and speaking with all comers for breakfast from 8-10am on Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville, NJ.  If you haven’t gotten a chance to speak with Bruce about the present and future of the church before, this is your chance.  He is trying to get a chance to talk to as many people as possible during his travels.

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If you are on Facebook, you can find more information in this event.

A bit of a round-up

October 9, 2008 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Ham Radio, Job Search, Life, Religion, Work 

Hello, readers.  I have been neglecting you lately.

Here’s a bit of a round-up on things going on with me at the moment.

Job Search
– I think I’m going to stop counting days on the blog.  I’ve been making good contacts in the last few weeks, and today I have my first meeting with a “hiring manager” (someone who is in the right position to potentially hire me).  It’s not an interview – just a meeting.  The search is going slower than I’d like, but apparently reasonably on track according to my outplacement coach.  The economy and general financial crisis aren’t helping.

Church – This part of my “non-work” life is busy.  My deacon work is adding a little time to my Sunday mornings, plus I’m serving as the “e-mail reminder” person who sends a note to the deacons scheduled for a particular Sunday.  My youth work is keeping me busy as well – the time commitment is a bit higher than last year because of some schedule changes for the Sr. Highs, but it’s completely worth it to me.  I was asked to be the webmaster for the church website, and I’m investigating how much time that actually takes – it might be too much.  Project Open Door is moving along nicely to the end of our chartered work – we brainstormed issues surrounding hospitality, visitors, relations with the community, and inactive members last week.  In our next meeting we’ll brainstorm solutions, and then start writing up the report to the Session to be delivered in January.  I’m looking at starting spiritual direction.  Aside from a minor dust-up this week, all is well in this department.  I will admit to my faith taking a beating due to my job situation, though.
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Home – All is well.  Carolyn is a conservative spender by nature, and I am one when the situation calls for it.  We’ve pulled way back on our discretionary spending and even made some more economical choices with our necessary spending.  This is setting us up well for a long siege if necessary.  The lack of a job hasn’t hurt my relationship with Carolyn that I can see.  The cats love having me home more often.  The homefront is safe and stable right now, and financially prepared for a while.  Carolyn is still taking next week off from work (a Smith family vacation including my parents and siblings was planned for Orlando – we have to miss it for financial reasons), and I’m taking our anniversary on Wednesday off from job searching.

Ham Radio – I’m still participating a little.  I haven’t been able to purchase equipment beyond an HT (walkie-talkie-style radio) and accessories.  I saw the trouble in the economy coming even before I knew that I’d be laid off, and chose not to spend in this area.  I am staying involved with some emergency management and public safety events, and I’m still attending the club meetings.  I think I’m qualified now to get a key to the club’s radio shack and will pursue that soon – they have LOTS of equipment for club member use there.  Unfortunately, ham radio activities tend to be scheduled at the same time as church events, and between the two church wins.

That’s about it.  As always I welcome any comments, and assistance in my job search.

Job Search – day 33 – trying to be light

September 30, 2008 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Job Search 

Sorry for the lack of posts, but I’m finding that job searching isn’t leaving a lot of energy for blogging.

Here’s the update – I’m still looking.  My networking is starting to work better, but it hasn’t led to anything solid yet.

In outplacement, they tell you that you have a job – finding a new job IS your day job now.  I’m not finding that particularly motivating (who wants THIS job?), but it does bring up some fun concepts if you think outside the box.

Reasons that the Job of Searching for a Job is Good

  1. You usually have a really short commute.
  2. Parking at the “office” is really easy to find (for many people)
  3. The camera is the size of a camcorder, silent in operation, non-contact, emits no radiation and Imaging can be repeated as often as required. viagra online consultation Poorly controlled blood sugar levels cause damage to sildenafil tablets india the blood vessels to the penis to increase blood flow. The glucose enters your bloodstream and is either used as a fuel tadalafil tablets prices for producing energy or is converted into fat. There are a variety of factors responsible for causing ED, ranging from sales cialis physical conditions to psychological problems to lifestyle choices.

  4. You can bring your pets to work (most of the time)
  5. The cafeteria is always serving what you want for lunch (or at least what you bought)
  6. You get to set your own hours
  7. You have complete control over your schedule, and what you do at any given moment
  8. You are your own boss (and you are your own janitor)
  9. The office is not too hot or too cold, or you can fix it

Don’t get me wrong – I’d rather not have those advantages.  But at least there is a tiny lighter side.

Do you have any to add?  Leave a comment.

Job Search – day 25

September 18, 2008 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: Job Search 

I’m sorry I haven’t written about the job search for a while.

Last Monday, I reached the point where I was ready to launch my search.  I’m now looking to use networking to gain introductions to people at a list of 70-ish companies and organizations that I’m targeting.  I’ve been meeting with friends and former co-workers and family and folks from church to see who knows someone who might be able to help.

So far it’s slow going.  I’ve had a few folks who have given me other people to contact, or have done so on my behalf.  One person even works at a company on the list, and has talked directly to the right people on my behalf.  Unfortunately, the majority of folks that I’ve talked to don’t know anybody in a company or organization on the list.
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I did get a nibble yesterday gained through one of these contacts.  At the urging of the HR person at that organization, I have applied on their website for a job.  It looks like it would be a really good fit.  Here’s hoping that it pans out.

If you would be willing to take a look at my list and see if you can help, please send me an e-mail.  And thanks.

Starting as a Deacon

September 9, 2008 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Religion 

My journey as an active deacon is beginning again.

Last night I attended my first Board of Deacons meeting at church.  This was the reorganization meeting for this year.  I had also been to New Officer Training last Saturday.

I was assigned to the Prayer Team, my first choice.  Last year’s deacon president preached a sermon in which she recounted her trepidation in being assigned to the Prayer Team, so I was surprised to see last night that the 3 slots were filled with people who had chosen it as their first choice, plus 2 others will join us as well.

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I wasn’t able to sign up for communion (our church uses elders and deacons to prepare, serve and clean up) – mainly because I am already assigned to coffee on communion Sunday in October and all of the preparation slots were taken by the time the sheet got to me.  Maybe I’ll be able to do it in November.  The last time I was a deacon the Book of Order specified that deacons could only serve communion if there was a shortage of elders, so I had only 2 opportunities to serve (one at camp, one at Triennium).  This is a meaningful experience for me, so I look forward to doing it again – even if I have to sit up front at church!

The entire Board meshed well, so I look forward to a good year or three.

Job Search – day 16

September 4, 2008 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Job Search 

Today I’m working on finalizing my Marketing Plan, and coming up with a list of companies to target for networking-related job searching.  I had a nibble from one company earlier in the week but my research revealed culture issues that would make me uncomfortable there, and they chose not to interview me.  That’s either a win-win or lose-lose.  My resume is now up on a few job sites.

As part of the survival plan my wife and I are cutting back on spending.  We got a really great supportive gift last night.  Her yoga teacher gave us a gift certificate to the local Cracker Barrel (we could also have chosen Chili’s).

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Thanks to all who have been praying or thinking good thoughts or helping.  Emotionally I am still at a low point but feel it getting better for the first time.

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