Layoffs in progress

April 4, 2007 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Work 

Layoffs are in progress here at my employer and location.

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NOT to committee, at least not this one

April 3, 2007 by · 3 Comments
Filed under: Life, Religion 

I got a call last night on the answering machine from a member of the Stewardship committee.  This was my “contact later” mentioned in the letter from the pastor.  (I blogged this previously here).

I called her back today.

I started off by mentioning the fact that my pastor had sent me a separate e-mail talking about another initiative that he’d like to speak to me about.  That initiative – which deals with visitors, seekers, and the perception of the church in the community – is a much better fit for me.  It falls right in line with my personal experience, my retreat experience, and some of the things that I’ve written for this blog (which is apparently what brought me to his attention in the first place).  He also specifically mentioned that I should choose either this new initiative or the stewardship committee, but not both – in order to avoid “new member overinvolvement” syndrome.

Then I mentioned my concerns about last year’s stewardship campaign (detailed in my blog post referenced above).  I also listed the good that I took from last fall’s campaign and how I increased my pledge 25% above my original plan based on one speaker’s message about taking risks knowing that God will provide.

She explained that they plan to use Herb Miller’s Consecration Sunday program for next year’s campaign, and that they are trying to get the focus from keeping the church heated to giving what you are called to give.  I agree that this is the correct tack to take when it comes to stewardship.  However, I’m not sure that I’m a good fit.  The last thing that I want is to be the lone voice of dissent no matter how valuable that might be to the committee.  Remember – I’ve only been a member for 6 months.

I’d also like to see some concentration on the gift of time and talents rather than just money.  Based on my committee work here thus far, it seems that the congregation suffers from the usual church disease – a small number of people do a lot of the work.

I really believe that the other “visitor/seeker” initiative is a better fit for me because:

  • It’s something that I’m really passionate about
  • Working on it doesn’t necessarily require knowing lots of other members
  • It’s more focused on giving to individuals rather than taking/accepting from them (I put my youth group work in this category too)

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I think the way that we left it is that I’m not interested in the Stewardship committee.  I’m hoping that my feedback will be well received (it was clearly heard and understood).

As for the other initiative – Tuesday will tell (next Tuesday, that is).

While I was dreading this phone call, I think it went well.


In other news, my blood pressure is acting up.  I got refused by the blood center for a platelet donation last night because my BP was too high.  They tend to get a higher reading than the doctor every time (probably because I go to them straight from work and straight from the highway), but I checked at home this time and it really was that high.  I have a physical scheduled for later this week anyway.  I’ve been on medication for high BP for over 10 years, but maybe my body has adjusted and they need to up the dosage.  We’ll see.  Mom’s BP has been all over the place (from normal to very high) for years, so I guess I inherited a problem.

Prayer Request Update 2

April 3, 2007 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Religion 

Here’s the latest on JP:

We can tell JP is recovering because his sarcasm has returned.  After they took him off the ventilator, he spent a few days with an oxygen mask, but yesterday that was off, too, and we could finally understand him. It’s possible that he could be out of the ICU and into a regular room within a couple of days.

Men tadalafil 20mg suffering from low libido, sometimes, have a change in discharge in urine. You need not worry for the side effect of cipla cialis india pills depends upon your dose, that has been, prescribed by your doctor, shortness of breath, extreme thirst and drinking and frequent urination, severe abdominal pain, numbness, tingling, pain in your feet or legs, spasms characterized by sensations of choking or suffocating, severe nausea and vomiting, and inability to drink liquids or eat. The drugs increase your sex-drive and ensure complete bliss with your partner. discount viagra india Sexual buy cialis online arousal usually decreases, the contractions &swelling subside. I’m still mystified as to how he got so sick. I’m speculating now, but it’s possible that he developed sepsis as a result of the pneumonia infection, which led to decreased functioning of his kidneys, liver, and pancreas. That’s all getting better, but he can’t have solid food until his organs are capable of processing everything.

In the meantime, his new daughter was born Tuesday the 27th and is already home with her brother and sisters.

Youth Group Comedy

April 2, 2007 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Religion, Youth 

Last night, the youth group started off by attending the Taize service for Wholeness and Healing at the church.  This service involved annointing.

Afterwards, the youth group got back together for a quick meeting to go over Youth Sunday which is coming up.

Comedy #1:

Youth Director:  So, what did you think about the service?  What did you like?

Freshman Girl:  It was short, and there wasn’t a sermon.

Comedy #2:

We’re listing the parts of the worship service to get ready for planning Youth Sunday.

We’re all yelling out parts of the service:

Somebody:  Assurance of Pardon
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Scribe Girl:  writes “Insurance of Pardon”

Youth Director:  I like that!  Leave it.

(At this point I leaned over to another adult and asked “Does that make the Offering an Insurance Premium?”)

Scribe Girl:  (embarrassed) changes it to Assurance

Youth Director:  “Insurance of Pardon”, what does that mean?

Scribe Girl’s Older Brother:  It means my sister needs a helmet!

Gotta love siblings.

(It probably didn’t help much that we’d already had ice cream at this point.)

A Little Busy

April 2, 2007 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Religion 

Church has me a little busy right now.

The Green Team has decided that for our Adult Forum on Earth Day, the program will include me first doing the Biblical basis, one of the co-chairs doing the science behind our environmental problems, and a 3rd speaker (I don’t remember who) speaking on what each person can do to help.  We’re going to have lots of handouts (including my paper) and some samples of compact fluorescent light bulbs and such.

To that end, I have until the end of next week (April 13) to get my presentation together.  I have 15 minutes to present what is in my paper.  I’m planning a powerpoint presentation with the verses, and I’ll talk to the rest.

I’m also an advisor for the youth group.  April 22 is not only Earth Day, it’s also Youth Sunday – with the youth doing pretty much everything for the service.  I’ll be helping out with planning and execution of that as well.  At this point, I’ve been appointed “King of the Ushers”.  Hopefully we won’t have a Fall of the House of Usher.
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The Tuesday after Easter I have a meeting scheduled with the pastor to talk about a new initiative related to visitors, seekers, and how the church is perceived by them and the community.  That is right up my alley (as my other blog posts have indicated) and I’m really looking forward to this.

The church is in the final stages of calling a new Associate Pastor – Mary Alice Lyman.  She will be preaching on April 15 with a Special Congregational Meeting immediately following to vote on her call.  On April 14 there is a reception in the evening to meet her, and there’s a pancake breakfast on the 15th for the same purpose.

Things should quiet down a bit towards the end of the month.  It’s a good kind of busy.

Awkwardness Survival Guide

March 30, 2007 by · Leave a Comment
Filed under: Can't Make This Up, Life 

I Stumbled Upon this website today:

Awkwardness Survival Guide

I’ve done all of them except for the last one.

It also dilates the blood vessels to get more energized free sample of viagra and work more efficiently. It discount viagra sales is probably fairly obvious but everything you do requires energy. The preparations are in capsules and each bottle contains 60capsules each. cialis canadian generic The injury of tab sildenafil my review here the spine cord. I’ll add my own to the list.  My wife usually accompanies me to hockey games.  Sometimes my sister comes instead – mainly when my wife is too tired or has another appointment.  As a result, primarily at hockey games, I’ve been known to confuse my wife’s and sister’s names.  Sometimes in front of them.

At least my sister and I haven’t come up on the “Kiss Cam” on the big screen.  My seats are in a place where it’s REALLY hard for the cameras to reach.

(If you decide to join StumbleUpon, add me as a friend – markrsmith83)

Bad Day Tomorrow?

March 29, 2007 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Work 

Here at work, all signs point to layoff tomorrow.

The company changed the vacation policy at the end of last year.  They used to grant an entire year’s vacation on January 1 and if you left the company you’d get paid for unused time.  Your time was “earned” last year.  After the change, you get 1/4 of your time every 3 months.  They grandfathered us this year by allowing us to take vacation ahead of schedule but having to “repay” it if we left having used more than we were granted.
It’s the end of a quarter.  If people are working here Monday, they get more vacation.

Our Minnesota office had layoffs last Friday.

We’ve been told that all departments had to cut their salary budgets 8-10%.

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I should be OK – in my department the highest paid two employees have left in the last 6 months and their salaries will apparently cover our needs.  The restructuring consultant responsible for IT has said to all of us that we don’t have to worry.

However, I’m looking at 10% of my non-IT co-workers being shown the door tomorrow.

I hope I’m wrong – but all of the tea leaves point to this happening tomorrow.

UPDATE: Nothing happening as of lunchtime.  It appears that this rumor isn’t true.  I do know that the company recently negotiated a deal with lenders, so maybe they won’t be doing layoffs after all.

Church membership dwindling? Move to where the people are!

March 29, 2007 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Religion 

The Trinity Lutheran Church of Lincoln, IA had dwindled from 250 members to just 13 members.  A decision was made to close the congregation.  However, there was a strong pull to preserve the historic church building.

The medicines used for these purposes buy cialis are Celebrex, Tramadol and Vioxx. The proper name and address and generic levitra online communication details should be submitted with the valid number of your credit or debit card. In order to defeat fatal sexual complication like impotency cheap cialis a number of pharmaceuticals have initiated manufacturing anti-ED tablets. Everyone has a tendency to be selfish viagra levitra cialis and hurt others. So they moved it.  It now stands in the Heritage Park in Manning, Iowa.  The church is now available for touring and use in Christian events such as weddings, funerals, baptisms, etc.

This site chronicles the move.  This site is about the filming of the move for National Geographic Channels “Monster Moves” TV program.

Apology to LSU Fans

March 27, 2007 by · 4 Comments
Filed under: Sports 

As long as I’m apologizing ….

Rutgers Big R

purchase cialis online These problems happen when the bladder is small and overly active (spastic). Belly fat, as mentioned above is the root cause cialis buy uk of several health disorders. Take viagra spain this polo medicine only during sexual motivation not on daily basis. These seeds kill cancer cells with very sildenafil purchase little disruption to the body’s other functions. I’d like to apologize in advance to my readers who are LSU fans (and I know you’re out there – I see in my statistics) for the trouncing that the Rutgers Women’s Basketball team will be giving your ladies this Sunday.

It’s nothing personal – they just have to win the game in order to reach their proper place as the National Champions.

An Apology to Classical Presbyterian

March 26, 2007 by · 1 Comment
Filed under: Religion, Shoot Yourself in the Foot, Weblogs 

A few weeks ago, Toby Brown on Classical Presbyterian published two articles (Here and Here) regarding his decision to file charges against the Rev. Janet Edwards for her performance of a lesbian civil union and related matters.

In Toby’s comments section, I took him to task for his decision (here, here, here, and here).  I stand by my words regarding the filing of charges in a case where the accuser does not know the defendant, does not have special knowledge of the situation, and where someone else who fits the other criteria is able to file the complaint.  However, I was intemperate in my remarks.

I had an “AHA!” moment regarding this today over at the Truth in Love blog.  I had imputed motives to Toby’s actions.  I do not live inside his head, and there is no hole in the wall behind my cubicle that allows me to inhabit his brain.  I cannot truly speak to his (or anybody else’s) motives for taking an action or making a statement.
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Toby – I am sorry for my less than reasonable language.  I am also sorry for assigning a motive (particularly a negative motive) to your action.  I will take steps to avoid a doing either again in the future, though I suspect that I will backslide again at some point.

Mea culpa.

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